FSB Influence
The FSB plays a central role in the performance of the machine.
Cache content can only be stored and loaded as quickly as the connection to the memory allows.
We can show how much so by running a program on two machines which only differ in the speed of their memory modules.
Figure 3.32 shows the results of the Addnext0 test (adding the content of the next elements pad[0] element to the own pad[0] element) for NPAD=7 on a 64-bit machine.
Both machines have Intel Core 2 processors, the first uses 667MHz DDR2 modules, the second 800MHz modules (a 20% increase).
The numbers show that, when the FSB is really stressed(强调) for large working set sizes, we indeed see a large benefit.
The maximum performance increase measured in this test is 18.2%, close to the theoretical(理论值) maximum.
What this shows is that a faster FSB indeed can pay off big time.
It is not critical when the working set fits into the caches (and these processors have a 4MB L2).
It must be kept in mind that we are measuring one program here.
The working set of a system comprises(包含) the memory needed by all concurrently running processes.
This way it is easily possible to exceed(超过) 4MB memory or more with much smaller programs.
Today some of Intel’s processors support FSB speeds up to 1,333MHz which would mean another 60% increase.
The future is going to see even higher speeds.
If speed is important and the working set sizes are larger, fast RAM and high FSB speeds are certainly worth the money.
One has to be careful, though, since even though the processor might support higher FSB speeds the motherboard/Northbridge might not.
It is critical to check the specifications.
FSB 的概念
FSB=Front Side BUS前段总线
这个参数指的就是前端总线的频率,它是处理器与主板交换数据的通道,既然是通道,那就是越大越好,现在主流中最高的FSB是800M,向下有533M、400M和333M等几种,它们价格是递减的。(现在也有1066/1333 FSB的主板不过由于面向骨灰级发烧级的玩家和超频者,价格比较高昂)