
There are n children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value given in the integer array ratings.

You are giving candies to these children subjected to the following requirements:

  1. Each child must have at least one candy.

  2. Children with a higher rating get more candies than their neighbors.

Return the minimum number of candies you need to have to distribute the candies to the children.


Example 1:

Input: ratings = [1,0,2]
Output: 5
Explanation: You can allocate to the first, second and third child with 2, 1, 2 candies respectively.

Example 2:

Input: ratings = [1,2,2]
Output: 4
Explanation: You can allocate to the first, second and third child with 1, 2, 1 candies respectively.
The third child gets 1 candy because it satisfies the above two conditions.


n == ratings.length

1 <= n <= 2 * 10^4

0 <= ratings[i] <= 2 * 10^4






1) 从左边第一个开始,第一个应该是多少呢?


1.1) 第二个大于等于左边,则 0 位的孩子 1 个糖果即可。

1.2) 第二个小于左边,则 0 位的孩子必须大于 1 位的。

但是 1 位的如何判断呢?

这是一个递归?后续用 dp 优化。


一个位置 i 的孩子,应该给多少个糖果呢?

  1. 最少给 1 个

  2. 然后和左边对比。如果权重比左边大,则要比左边的+1

  3. 然后和右边对比。如果权重比右边大,则要比右边的+1

java 实现

public class T135_Candy {

     * 思路:
     * 从左往右,或者反过来应该是一样的。
     * 1. 从左边第一个开始,第一个应该是多少呢?
     * 最左边的好处是,左边没有孩子。所以只需要看左边第二个。右边有几个情况
     * 1.1 第二个大于等于左边,则 0 位的孩子 1 个糖果即可。
     * 1.2 第二个小于左边,则 0 位的孩子必须大于 1 位的。
     * 但是 1 位的如何判断呢?
     * 这是一个递归?后续用 dp 优化。
     * @param ratings 比例
     * @return 结果
    public int candy(int[] ratings) {
        int sum = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) {
            sum += getMinCandy(i, ratings);

        return sum;

     * 获取当前位置,最少给几个糖果
     * @param i 下标
     * @param rating 权重
     * @return 结果
    private int getMinCandy(int i, int[] rating) {
        int minLeft = 0;
        int minRight = 0;

        // 和左边对比,如果比左边大,则取左边
        if(i > 0 && (rating[i] > rating[i-1])) {
            minLeft = getMinCandy(i-1, rating);

        // 和右边对比,如果比右边大,则取右边
        if(i < rating.length-1 && (rating[i] > rating[i+1])) {
            minRight = getMinCandy(i+1, rating);

        // 左右对比之后,选择最大的。然后 + 1
        return Math.max(minLeft, minRight) + 1;




V2-mem+递归 内存提升



public class T135_CandyV2 {

     * 思路:
     * 从左往右,或者反过来应该是一样的。
     * 1. 从左边第一个开始,第一个应该是多少呢?
     * 最左边的好处是,左边没有孩子。所以只需要看左边第二个。右边有几个情况
     * 1.1 第二个大于等于左边,则 0 位的孩子 1 个糖果即可。
     * 1.2 第二个小于左边,则 0 位的孩子必须大于 1 位的。
     * 但是 1 位的如何判断呢?
     * 这是一个递归?后续用 dp 优化。
     * 内存优化:使用一个 n-array 存储对应的糖果,减少计算量
     * @param ratings 比例
     * @return 结果
    public int candy(int[] ratings) {
        // 存放糖果数量
        int[] candies = new int[ratings.length];

        int sum = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) {
            // 有值,则直接去取
            sum += getMinCandy(i, ratings, candies);

        return sum;

     * 获取当前位置,最少给几个糖果
     * @param i 下标
     * @param rating 权重
     * @param candies 糖果
     * @return 结果
    private int getMinCandy(int i, int[] rating,
                            int[] candies) {
        // 复用
        if(candies[i] != 0) {
            return candies[i];

        int minLeft = 0;
        int minRight = 0;

        // 和左边对比,如果比左边大,则取左边
        if(i > 0 && (rating[i] > rating[i-1])) {
            // 复用数据
            if(candies[i-1] != 0) {
                minLeft = candies[i-1];
            } else {
                minLeft = getMinCandy(i-1, rating, candies);
                // 存储
                candies[i-1] = minLeft;

        // 和右边对比,如果比右边大,则取右边
        if(i < rating.length-1 && (rating[i] > rating[i+1])) {
            // 复用
            if(candies[i+1] != 0) {
                minRight = candies[i+1];
            } else {
                minRight = getMinCandy(i+1, rating, candies);
                // 存储
                candies[i+1] = minRight;

        // 左右对比之后,选择最大的。然后 + 1
        return Math.max(minLeft, minRight) + 1;



或者递归改为 bottom=>up 的解法也行,不再赘述。


V3-two pass

     * 思路:TWO-PASS
     * 从前往后:如果右边的比左边大,则为左边+1。
     * 从后往前:如果左边的比右边权重大,但是糖果却不多,进行修正。
     * @param ratings 比例
     * @return 结果
    public int candy(int[] ratings) {
        // 存放糖果数量
        int[] candies = new int[ratings.length];
        // 至少有一个
        Arrays.fill(candies, 1);

        // 从前往后遍历
        // 和左边比
        for(int i = 1; i < ratings.length; i++) {
            if(ratings[i] > ratings[i-1]) {
                candies[i] = candies[i-1] + 1;

        // 从后往前遍历
        // 和右边比,但是糖果缺少
        for(int i = ratings.length-2; i >=0; i--) {
            if((ratings[i] > ratings[i+1])
                && candies[i] <= candies[i+1]) {
                candies[i] = candies[i+1] + 1;

        // 累加结果
        int sum = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) {
            sum += candies[i];

        return sum;

这个时间复杂度,严格说其实是 4 * O(N)。

循环 4 次,和循环一次,耗时肯定是不同的,只是 TC 弱化了这一点。






This solution picks each element from the input array only once. First, we give a candy to the first child. Then for each child we have three cases:

    His/her rating is equal to the previous one -> give 1 candy.
    His/her rating is greater than the previous one -> give him (previous + 1) candies.
    His/her rating is less than the previous one -> don't know what to do yet, let's just count the number of such consequent cases.

When we enter 1 or 2 condition we can check our count from 3. If it's not zero then we know that we were descending before and we have everything to update our total candies amount: number of children in descending sequence of raitings - coundDown, number of candies given at peak - prev (we don't update prev when descending). Total number of candies for "descending" children can be found through arithmetic progression formula (1+2+...+countDown). Plus we need to update our peak child if his number of candies is less then or equal to countDown.




  • TA 的评分与前一个相同 -> 给 1 颗糖果。

  • TA 的评分高于前一个 -> 给 TA(前一个 + 1)颗糖果。

  • TA 的评分比上一个低-> 还不知道怎么办,让我们数一数这样的后续案例的数量。

当我们输入 1 或 2 条件时,我们可以检查我们从 3 开始的计数。


降序排列的孩子数量 - coundDown,数字 在高峰期给出的糖果数量 - prev(我们在下降时不更新 prev)。


另外,如果他的糖果数量小于或等于 countDown,我们需要更新我们的 peak 孩子。




java 实现

    public int candy(int[] ratings) {
        int total = 1;
        int prev = 1;
        int countDown = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < ratings.length; i++) {
            if (ratings[i] >= ratings[i - 1]) {
                if (countDown > 0) {
                    // arithmetic progression
                    total += countDown * (countDown + 1) / 2;
                    if (countDown >= prev) {
                        total += countDown - prev + 1;
                    countDown = 0;
                    prev = 1;
                prev = ratings[i] == ratings[i - 1] ? 1 : prev + 1;
                total += prev;
            } else {
        // if we were descending at the end
        if (countDown > 0) {
            total += countDown * (countDown + 1) / 2;
            if (countDown >= prev) {
                total += countDown - prev + 1;
        return total;



