
Echo Blog

江湖无名 安心练剑
  • Memory 内存知识-34-缺页优化
    缺页优化 On operating systems like Linux with demand-paging support, an mmap call only modifies the page tables. It makes sure that, for file-backed pages, the underlying data can be found and, for a...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-33-提升分支预测
    Improving Branch Prediction In section 6.2.2, two methods to improve L1i use through branch prediction and block reordering were mentioned: static prediction through __builtin_expect and profile ...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-32-测量内存使用
    Measuring Memory Usage Knowing how much memory a program allocates and possibly where the allocation happens is the first step to optimizing its memory use. There are, fortunately, some easy-to-u...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-31-模仿 CPU 缓存
    Simulating CPU Caches While the technical description of how a cache works is relatively easy to understand, it is not so easy to see how an actual program behaves with respect to(尊重) cache. Prog...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-30-性能工具
    Memory Performance Tools A wide variety of tools is available to help programmers understand performance characteristics of a program, the cache and memory use among others. Modern processors hav...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-29-NUMA 显示优化
    Explicit NUMA Optimizations All the local memory and affinity rules cannot help out if all threads on all the nodes need access to the same memory regions. It is, of course, possible to simply re...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-29-NUMA 节点信息
    Querying Node Information The get_mempolicy interface can be used to query a variety of facts about the state of NUMA for a given address. #include <numaif.h> long get_mempolicy(int *policy...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-29-NUMA 内存策略与 swapping
    Swapping and Policies If physical memory runs out, the system has to drop clean pages and save dirty pages to swap. The Linux swap implementation discards(丢弃) node information when it writes page...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory