# 一、实验预览

实验四要求我们实现基于 2pl 协议的事务, 先来说一下在 simpleDB 中是如何实现事务的:



事务开始前,会创建一个Transaction对象,trasactionId 会被传入到 sql 执行树的每一个 operator 算子中,加锁时根据加锁页面、锁的类型、加锁的事务id去进行加锁。

比如, 底层的 A, B seqScan 算子, 就会给对应的 page 加读锁.

我们知道, page 是通过 bufferPool.getPage() 来统一获取的, 因此, 加锁的逻辑就在 bufferPool.getPage() 中

具体的方法就是实现一个 lockManager, lockManager 包含每个 page 和其持有其锁的事务的队列

当事务完成时,调用 transactionComplete 去完成最后的处理。

transactionComplete 会根据成功还是失败去分别处理,如果成功,会将事务id对应的脏页写到磁盘中,如果失败,会将事务id对应的脏页淘汰出 bufferpool 并从磁盘中获取原来的数据页。




对于一致性和持久性,这里假设暂时不会发送断电等异常,所以暂时不需要崩溃恢复,不需要undo log从,后面lab6会有专门的崩溃恢复的解决方案。




ACID 特性:

为了帮助您了解事务管理在 SimpleDB 中的工作原理,我们简要回顾了它如何确保满足 ACID 属性:

  • 原子性:严格的两阶段锁定和仔细的缓冲区管理确保原子性。

  • 一致性:数据库凭借原子性是事务一致的。 SimpleDB 中没有解决其他一致性问题(例如,关键约束)。

  • 隔离:严格的两相锁定提供隔离。

  • 持久性:FORCE 缓冲管理策略确保持久性(见下文第 2.3 节)


ACID实现的前提是严格两阶段封锁协议(Strict two-phase locking)。





  1. 增长阶段:事务可以获得锁,但不能释放锁;

  2. 缩减阶段:事务可以释放锁,但不能获得新锁。

也即,在事务执行过程中, 其可以不断的获得锁, 但是获得锁之后不能随意释放, 必须等 commit 或者 rollback 的时候, 才能释放锁。








Recovery and Buffer Management

此外, 为了简化工作, 我们更推荐实现一个 NO STEAL/FORCE 的 buffer management policy.


  • 在事务提交前不需要将脏页写回磁盘

  • 事务提交时将脏页写回磁盘

为了进一步简化您的生活,您可以假设 SimpleDB 在处理 transactionComplete 命令时不会崩溃。

请注意,这三点意味着您不需要在本实验中实施基于日志的恢复,因为您永远不需要撤消任何工作(您永远不会驱逐脏页)并且您永远不需要重做任何工作(您强制更新 在提交时不会在提交处理期间崩溃)。

因为是在事务提交后才将脏页写入磁盘的,所以不需要实现 redo log;

因为我们保证在提交事务的时候不会发送故障,所以不需要实现 undo log;

Granting Locks

  1. 一个事务读一个对象,必须持有共享锁;

  2. 一个事务写一个对象,必须持有排它锁;

  3. 多个事务可以对同一个对象加共享锁;

  4. 一个对象只能被一个事务加排它锁;

  5. 如果只有一个事务在一个对象上加共享锁,那么共享锁可能升级为排它锁


ps: 确切地说,很适合使用读写锁。


Exercise1 Granting Locks

在 BufferPool 中编写获取和释放锁的方法。


  • 修改 getPage() 以在返回页面之前阻止并获取所需的锁。

  • 实现 unsafeReleasePage()。 此方法主要用于测试和交易结束时。

  • 实现 holdsLock() 以便练习 2 中的逻辑可以确定页面是否已被事务锁定。

您可能会发现定义一个负责维护有关事务和锁的状态的 LockManager 类很有帮助,但设计决定取决于您。

在您的代码通过 LockingTest 中的单元测试之前,您可能需要实施下一个练习。

因为在 simpleDB 中, 所有 page 都是通过 bufferPool 来获取的, 因此, exercise1需要做的是在getPage获取数据页前进行加锁,这里我们使用一个LockManager来实现对锁的管理,LockManager中主要有申请锁、释放锁、查看指定数据页的指定事务是否有锁这三个功能,其中加锁的逻辑比较麻烦,需要基于严格两阶段封锁协议去实现。

事务 tx 对指定的页面加锁时,思路如下:

  1. 锁管理器中没有任何锁或者该页面没有被任何事务加锁,可以直接加读/写锁;

  2. 查看这个持有这个 page 的 lock 的事务中, 是否有和当前事务相同的, 有的话, 检查是否是锁升级

  3. 检查是否存在独占锁

  4. 允许加读锁 (因为page 存在其他的 lock, 只能加读锁)


  • lock 定义:
public class Lock {
    private TransactionId tid;
    private int           lockType;

    public Lock(final TransactionId tid, final int lockType) {
        this.tid = tid;
        this.lockType = lockType;
  • lockManager
public class LockManager {
    private final Map<PageId, List<Lock>> lockMap;

    public LockManager() {
        this.lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    // 获取锁, lockType == 0代表读锁, 1代表写锁
    public synchronized boolean acquireLock(final PageId pageId, final TransactionId tid, final int lockType) {
        // 1.If page is unlock, just return true
        if (!this.lockMap.containsKey(pageId)) {
            final Lock lock = new Lock(tid, lockType);
            final List<Lock> locks = new ArrayList<>();
            this.lockMap.put(pageId, locks);
            return true;
        final List<Lock> locks = this.lockMap.get(pageId);

        // 2.Check whether this txn holds a lock
        for (final Lock lock : locks) {
            if (lock.getTid().equals(tid)) {
                if (lock.getLockType() == lockType) {
                    return true;
                if (lock.getLockType() == 1) {
                    return true;
                if (lock.getLockType() == 0 && locks.size() == 1) {
                    return true;
                return false;
        // 3.Check whether exists a writeLock
        if (locks.size() > 0 && locks.get(0).getLockType() == 1) {
            return false;

        // 4.There already exists another locks, so we just can get a readLock
        if (lockType == 0) {
            final Lock lock = new Lock(tid, lockType);
            return true;
        return false;

    // 释放锁
    public synchronized boolean releaseLock(final PageId pageId, final TransactionId tid) {
        if (!this.lockMap.containsKey(pageId)) {
            return false;
        final List<Lock> locks = this.lockMap.get(pageId);
        for (int i = 0; i < locks.size(); i++) {
            final Lock lock = locks.get(i);
            if (lock.getTid().equals(tid)) {
                this.lockMap.put(pageId, locks);
                if (locks.size() == 0) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public synchronized boolean holdsLock(final PageId pageId, final TransactionId tid) {
        if (!this.lockMap.containsKey(pageId)) {
            return false;
        final List<Lock> locks = this.lockMap.get(pageId);
        for (int i = 0; i < locks.size(); i++) {
            final Lock lock = locks.get(i);
            if (lock.getTid().equals(tid)) {
                return true;
        return false;


其中锁管理器的代码是lab4整个实验的核心,后续的 exercise 基本都是基于这个锁管理器去做的,所以这里必须要考虑清楚各种情况,把思路整理清楚再写代码。

有了锁管理器后, getPage() 只要实现加锁功能即可

final int lockType = perm == Permissions.READ_ONLY ? 0 : 1;
while (!this.lockManager.acquireLock()) {

Exercise2 Lock Lifetime

exercise2 主要是要让我们考虑什么时候要加锁,什么时候要解锁,其实和exercise1是连成一块的。

> Ensure that you acquire and release locks throughout SimpleDB. Some (but
> not necessarily all) actions that you should verify work properly:
> - Reading tuples off of pages during a SeqScan (if you
    >   implemented locking in `BufferPool.getPage()`, this should work
    >   correctly as long as your `HeapFile.iterator()` uses
    >   `BufferPool.getPage()`.)
> - Inserting and deleting tuples through BufferPool and HeapFile
    >   methods (if you
    >   implemented locking in `BufferPool.getPage()`, this should work
    >   correctly as long as `HeapFile.insertTuple()` and
    >   `HeapFile.deleteTuple()` use
    >   `BufferPool.getPage()`.)
> You will also want to think especially hard about acquiring and releasing
> locks in the following situations:
> - Adding a new page to a `HeapFile`. When do you physically
    >   write the page to disk? Are there race conditions with other transactions
    >   (on other threads) that might need special attention at the HeapFile level,
    >   regardless of page-level locking?
> - Looking for an empty slot into which you can insert tuples.
    >   Most implementations scan pages looking for an empty
    >   slot, and will need a READ_ONLY lock to do this. Surprisingly, however,
    >   if a transaction *t* finds no free slot on a page *p*, *t* may immediately release the lock on *p*.
    >   Although this apparently contradicts the rules of two-phase locking, it is ok because
    >   *t* did not use any data from the page, such that a concurrent transaction *t’* which updated
    >   *p* cannot possibly effect the answer or outcome of *t*.


insertTuple 应该是读写模式:

final HeapPage page = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, new HeapPageId(getId(), i), Permissions.READ_WRITE);

deleteTuple 也应该是读写模式

Exercise3 Implementing NO STEAL

> Modifications from a transaction are written to disk only after it
> commits. This means we can abort a transaction by discarding the dirty
> pages and rereading them from disk. Thus, we must not evict dirty
> pages. This policy is called NO STEAL.

> You will need to modify the `evictPage` method in `BufferPool`.
> In particular, it must never evict a dirty page. If your eviction policy prefers a dirty page
> for eviction, you will have to find a way to evict an alternative
> page. In the case where all pages in the buffer pool are dirty, you
> should throw a `DbException`. If your eviction policy evicts a clean page, be
> mindful of any locks transactions may already hold to the evicted page and handle them
> appropriately in your implementation.



exercise4 要我们在淘汰数据页时不能淘汰脏页,如果bufferpool全部是脏页则抛出异常,我们只需要修改淘汰页面时的代码:

首先, 在 load page from disk 的时候, 如果缓存页数超过了 Lrucache, 因该调用 evictPage() 函数:

evict 的逻辑是:

  • 从 lru 中获取逆序的 iterator

  • 遍历一遍, 看看哪一个的 dirty == null, 并将其淘汰

  • 这样就可以保证, dirty 的页面不会被驱逐出缓存

private Page loadPageAndCache(final PageId pid) throws DbException {
    final DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId());
    final Page dbPage = dbFile.readPage(pid);
    if (dbPage != null) {
        this.lruCache.put(pid, dbPage);
        if (this.lruCache.getSize() == this.lruCache.getMaxSize()) {
    return dbPage;
final Iterator<Page> pageIterator = this.lruCache.reverseIterator();
while (pageIterator.hasNext()) {
    final Page page = pageIterator.next();
    if (page.isDirty() == null) {
throw new DbException("All pages are dirty in buffer pool");

Exercise4 Transactions

> In SimpleDB, a `TransactionId` object is created at the
> beginning of each query. This object is passed to each of the operators
> involved in the query. When the query is complete, the
> `BufferPool` method `transactionComplete` is called.
> Calling this method either *commits* or *aborts* the
> transaction, specified by the parameter flag `commit`. At any point
> during its execution, an operator may throw a
> `TransactionAbortedException` exception, which indicates an
> internal error or deadlock has occurred. The test cases we have provided
> you with create the appropriate `TransactionId` objects, pass
> them to your operators in the appropriate way, and invoke
> `transactionComplete` when a query is finished. We have also
> implemented `TransactionId`.






transactionComplete 会根据成功还是失败去分别处理,如果成功,会将事务id对应的脏页写到磁盘中,如果失败,会将事务id对应的脏页淘汰出bufferpool并从磁盘中获取原来的数据页。



transactionComplete 实现如下:

public void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid, boolean commit) {
    // some code goes here
    // not necessary for lab1|lab2
    try {
        if (commit) {
            // 如果提交, 则把所有页刷盘
        } else {
            // 如果失败, 则重新加载所有页
        // 最后, 释放持有的锁
    } catch (Exception e) {

Exercise5 Deadlocks and Aborts

> It is possible for transactions in SimpleDB to deadlock (if you do not
> understand why, we recommend reading about deadlocks in Ramakrishnan & Gehrke).
> You will need to detect this situation and throw a
> `TransactionAbortedException`.
> There are many possible ways to detect deadlock. A strawman example would be to
> implement a simple timeout policy that aborts a transaction if it has not
> completed after a given period of time. For a real solution, you may implement
> cycle-detection in a dependency graph data structure as shown in lecture. In this
> scheme, you would check for cycles in a dependency graph periodically or whenever
> you attempt to grant a new lock, and abort something if a cycle exists. After you have detected
> that a deadlock exists, you must decide how to improve the situation. Assume you
> have detected a deadlock while transaction *t* is waiting for a lock. If you’re
> feeling homicidal, you might abort **all** transactions that *t* is
> waiting for; this may result in a large amount of work being undone, but
> you can guarantee that *t* will make progress.
> Alternately, you may decide to abort *t* to give other
> transactions a chance to make progress. This means that the end-user will have
> to retry transaction *t*.
> Another approach is to use global orderings of transactions to avoid building the
> wait-for graph. This is sometimes preferred for performance reasons, but transactions
> that could have succeeded can be aborted by mistake under this scheme. Examples include
> the WAIT-DIE and WOUND-WAIT schemes.


  1. 如果两个事务t0,t1,两个数据页p0,p1,t0有了p1的写锁然后申请p0的写锁,t1有了p0的写锁然后申请p1的写锁,这个时候会发生死锁;

  2. 如果多个事务t0,t1,t2,t3同时对数据页p0都加了读锁,然后每个事务都要申请写锁,这种情况下只能每一个事务都不可能进行锁升级,所以需要有其中三个事务进行中断或者提前释放读锁,由于我们实现的是严格两阶段封锁协议,这里只能中断事务让其中一个事务先执行完。



  1. 超时。对每个事务设置一个获取锁的超时时间,如果在超时时间内获取不到锁,我们就认为可能发生了死锁,将该事务进行中断。

  2. 循环等待图检测。我们可以建立事务等待关系的等待图,当等待图出现了环时,说明有死锁发生,在加锁前就进行死锁检测,如果本次加锁请求会导致死锁,就终止该事务。


public boolean tryAcquireLock(final PageId pageId, final TransactionId tid, final int lockType, final int timeout) {
    final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (true) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - now >= timeout) {
            return false;
        if (acquireLock(pageId, tid, lockType)) {
            return true;

