
Echo Blog

江湖无名 安心练剑
  • Memory 内存知识-06-其他主存使用者
    Other Main Memory Users Beside CPUs there are other system components which can access the main memory. High-performance cards such as network and mass-storage controllers cannot afford to pipe a...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-05-DRAM Access Technical Details
    DRAM Access Technical Details 前景回顾 In the section introducing DRAM we saw that DRAM chips multiplex(多路复用) the addresses in order to save resources int the form of address pins(地址引脚). We also saw...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-04-RAM Types
    RAM Types There have been many types of RAM over the years and each type varies, sometimes significantly(显著), from the other. The older types are today really only interesting to the historians. ...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-03-当今商业硬件
    当今硬件 It is important to understand commodity hardware because specialized hardware is in retreat(消退). Scaling these days is most often achieved horizontally instead of vertically, meaning today i...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-02-introduction
    1 Introduction In the early days computers were much simpler. The various components of a system, such as the CPU, memory, mass storage(大容量存储), and network interfaces, were developed together and...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • Memory 内存知识-01-index
    为什么学习 所以的知识,比如 cache,database。 学到后面有几个高山是必须要跨过去的。 网络通信 操作系统 编译原理 数据结构与算法 内存知识(磁盘硬件) 查看 linux 机器缓存大小 $ lscpu 如下: Architecture: ...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Memory
  • 怎样从外网访问内网服务器-02-公网 IP
    公网 IP 因为 IPv4 的限制,ip 是有限的。 所以会借助 NAT 进行处理,我们的路由器很可能是没有公网 IP 的。 如何判断路由器 IP 是否共有 (1)登录路由器,查看路由器 IP-A (2)直接百度搜索 【ip 地址】,获取公网 IP-B 如果二者相同,则说明为公网 IP 如果不是公网 IP 如果不是公网 IP 就无法直接访问。 我们可以借助端口转发+公网服务...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Net
  • 怎样从外网访问内网服务器
    IP 信息 访问网站 http://www.ip138.com/ 可以直接查看。 局域网 IP $ ipconfig 列表信息如下: 连接网线时 以太网适配器 VirtualBox Host-Only Network #2: 连接特定的 DNS 后缀 . . . . . . . : 本地链接 IPv6 地址. . . . . . . . : fe80...
    2019-05-10 03:08:59 | Net